Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Rhythm- A strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound.

o   What do you like about the way she presented the information? Why?

-          I liked how Miss Taylor shortened the definition of rhythm so that a child could understand it. She seemed very excited about the topic she was discussing, which is very important. I also like how she used clapping to show the “silent” or “pause” in between sounds.

o   What do you dislike about the way she presented the information? Why?

-          I did not like the storyboard method that she used to present it. It made the information seem a bit boring and slow which could make someone lose attention quick, especially children.


o   Is this an example of good teaching? Why do you think so?

-          I believe that her enthusiasm made it a good way of teaching but like I said before, the storyboard method wouldn’t keep a child’s attention for very long. However, the way she used clapping could help children laugh and play along with the rhythm exercise.

o   How many different ways did she present the information? Why do you think this is important?

-          She used multiple definitions, pictures/visual storyboard, and clapping. This is important because using different learning styles when teaching helps ensure that all children have the ability to understand and learn.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't like the storyboards either. I felt like there could be a better way of presenting the information, like slides on a Powerpoint or an interactive Smartboard lesson. At the very least she could have made her boards pretty and appealing to the eye.
