Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Hello everyone, my name is Kelly Doss. I am a junior on my fourth year at WVSU which I transferred from Marshall. I am from Scott Depot, WV, born and raised. I am a graduate from Winfield High School: Class of 2011. I am currently 21 years old. My major is Elementary Education and am thinking about specializing in special education as well. I am the middle child of 2 older brothers and a younger sister. My boyfriend and I just had a beautiful little boy, Blake Ryan Tucker,  who is now almost 6 moths old. He is my absolute world. Here are some pictures of my family :)


I just recently lost my dad who before my son was my whole world. He battled with prostate cancer for about 4 years. I miss him so much but I think it has made me a stronger person. He was the greatest man in my life and just thought I would share it with everyone :)

I hope that I can gain a lot from this class. I am hoping that my knowledge for music can expand because I don't know much about it. I don't have much musical experience in the past, but I do love listening to it! As for my concerns for this class, I don't know much of what to expect but I hope the online version of it goes well.
I am very passionate about my future as a second grade teacher. I absolutely love kids and the thought of teaching them and helping them be all they can be as they go on to further their education is the most rewarding thing, in my opinion. I cannot wait to be able to have that feeling of helping them succeed! :) 


  1. Hi Kelly,

    Welcome to MUS 105. I can tell how passionate you are about your future teaching career--that is fantastic! This course is designed to show how the power of music can further student success in your classroom.

    You have a beautiful family and I love that you showed a picture of your Dad. As far as this course goes, this is my 10th time teaching it, but my first teaching a Web 100 course. We'll learn together! If you have any problems, don't hesitate to contact me. Take care!

  2. Kelly,
    Congrats on your baby boy. Sorry for the loss of your father. It seems as if you have a true desire to be a teacher and I hope everything works out for you. I feel the same way about teaching and the hopes of seeing our students be successful. Good luck, you will do great.
